Personal History
Personal Data
Name in Full : Ko Gil-Dong
Date of Birth : May 16, 1974
Sex : Female
Age : 22
Permanent Address : 460, Yonhee-dong, Seodaemoon-Gu, Seoul
Present Address : 147-3, Sungsan-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Telephone : 771-1234  

Educational Background
February, 1993 : Graduated from Jeil High School, Seoul
March, 1993 : Enterd the Department of English Language and Literature of Myungmoon College, Seoul
February, 1997 : Will be graduated from the above.

Special Achievement
Earned the 1st grade English Typist given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1993.
Earned the 2nd grade English Shorthand given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1995.

Rewards and Punishments
Awarded a grand prize in the Nationwide College Student English Speech Contest in 1993.

Special Activities
Leader of the College Time Study Club Association(CTSA) in 1994. I here by certify that all the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Ko Gil-Dong

Date : July 30. 2000

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